Monthly Archives: August 2016

Weekly Safety Topic – 911 Change

PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE UPCOMING CHANGE TO OUR PHONE SYSTEM Senate Bill 788, known as “Kari’s Law” was recently signed by Governor Greg Abbott requiring Texas businesses with multi-line phones to be able to directly dial 911 and not … Continue reading

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Weekly safety Topic – Complacency

Webster’s Dictionary defines complacency as: self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies Complacency is perhaps one of the biggest safety issues we face in completing our day-to-day tasks. We are “used” to things being a certain … Continue reading

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Weekly Safety: RUN, HIDE, FIGHT

Much too often we hear of unsuspected events of violence in the world. Quite a few of these events involve what is termed as an Active Shooter. An Active Shooter as defined by law enforcement is “an individual actively engaged … Continue reading

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HHH – Cyclist Awareness

Be on the lookout for the increasing number of cyclist riding around town! Fast approaching is the Hotter than Hell 100. Where riders come from all over the world to ride in the largest single day 100-mile bicycle ride in … Continue reading

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Weekly Safety Topic – Password Protection

A few months back we discussed On-line Safety Habits… this week we dive a little deeper into Password securities. We all have to remember numerous passwords to access our personal and professional accounts; one for Windows, one for e-mail, one … Continue reading

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