Monthly Archives: December 2017

Weekly Safety Topic – New Year’s Eve

While staying safe on the road must be a high priority for New Year’s Eve revelers, it’s certainly not the only safety issue that you may confront as you ring in the New Year. However, with a little care and … Continue reading

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Weekly Safety Topic – Extension Cord use in Emergencies

Extension Cords…..   So, the power has gone out and you’re thinking who needs an extension cord? Well that unnecessary item could be a key piece of survival gear.   Here are a few Nifty Ways to Use Extension Cords for Survival … Continue reading

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Weekly Safety Topic – Christmas Quiz

Mistletoe, Despite common belief, poinsettias aren’t particularly dangerous to our four-legged friends. But mistletoe is. Eating the leaves or berries can make your dog or cat feel sicker than an over-indulger the morning after New Year’s Eve. Wrap mistletoe in … Continue reading

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