Monthly Archives: March 2018

Safety Tip – Ergonomics

Keep Ergonomics In Mind At Work Are you lifting objects correctly? If not, you could be at risk for an ergonomics-related injury, such as a sprain or strain, back injury, or repetitive-motion injury. For proper lifting, follow these tips: Warm … Continue reading

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Monday Memo for March 26, 2018

        Good Morning! I want to let everyone know that starting today, Brandon Williams is our Interim Logistics Manager. Logistics is a broader term to help underscore that so many things connect from the outside world with … Continue reading

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Safety Tip – Chemical Safety

Cleaning Chemicals – Know the Risk Breathing problems. Itchy skin, rashes and burns. Irritated eyes. For some workers, including maintenance workers, janitors and housekeepers, these symptoms may have a common factor: cleaning products. Chemicals in certain cleaning products also can … Continue reading

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Monday Memo – March 12, 2018

To:  All Dental Planet Employees Date:  March 12, 2018 Good Morning! As discussed in our recent company meeting, the revised Employee Policy Handbook is now available.  It has been posted on our employee intranet site, which is being updated as … Continue reading

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Monday Memo – March 5, 2018

        To:  All Dental Planet Employees Date:  March 5, 2018 Good Morning! Two things to cover this morning: A recap of our FIRSTBREAK meeting on Thursday.  This puts what we talked about in writing and covers everything … Continue reading

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