Monthly Archives: May 2018

Congratulations Brandon!

Congratulations to Brandon Williams!!

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Monday Morning Memo for

We recently asked each of you to review your Job Descriptions, while reviewing the Employee Policy Manual.  Below, blogger Seth Godin offers some of the checklist items that might have been omitted: Add energy to every conversation Ask why Find … Continue reading

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Safety Tip – Animal & Insect Safety

Encountering Animals Outside Working outside in the spring months may mean working alongside insects and animals that could pose a threat to workers. OSHA offers the following tips for avoiding such injuries when working outdoors. Insects, spiders and ticks Wear … Continue reading

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May 1st First Break Talking Points

ICYMI…Here is what was discussed at First Break this morning: Bonus Plan.  Just to try and clear up any confusion.  Last month we reported that we hit our Sales goal for the first quarter, but yet a couple weeks later … Continue reading

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