Monthly Archives: July 2018

Safety Tip – Power Tools

Unsafe habits can develop from using portable power tools at home, and these habits can creep into the workplace, according to California OSHA. Such equipment may be commonplace, but that does not reduce the potential danger. Cal/OSHA reminds workers who … Continue reading

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First Break Wednesday Morning!

We’ll see you in the showroom for First Break…10:00 am Wednesday (8/1) morning!!!

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Monday Memo for July 30, 2018

Wow…can you believe August begins this week!  Where has the year gone?  As we suffer through another hot north Texas summer, we will take a break together on Wednesday. That’s right…time for another First Break!  We’ll see you in the … Continue reading

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Safety Tip – Near Misses

A roofing contractor forgoes fall protection because he finds it uncomfortable. Later that day, he slips and nearly falls off the roof of the two-story house he is working on. A marketing manager is reading her smartphone as she walks … Continue reading

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Welcome back Jenny!

We are pleased to welcome back Jenny Pearcy!  She is starting as an Office Associate this morning (Tuesday, July 24) and will be helping us several different areas of the business!

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