Monthly Archives: September 2018

First Break Company Meeting

Our October First Break will be held on Monday, October 1st.  Join us at 10:00 am in the showroom for the latest company news and light snacks.  See you there!

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Safety Tip – Stop the Spread of Flu at Work

Flu season can strike a workplace hard. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists steps employers can take to help minimize the spread of flu: Take proper care of personal protective equipment, regularly replacing disposable PPE, and properly cleaning … Continue reading

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Product Education – Dental Instruments: Burnisher and Curettes

Dental Instrument training: Burnisher & Curettes On September 20, 2018, Nick Smith led training on two types of dental instruments.  Links back to the selection for both instruments are provided. Burnisher A burnisher is normally used at the end … Continue reading

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Safety Tip – Treating Eye Injuries

Eye injuries on the job are not uncommon. In 2012, 20,300 eye injuries involving days away from work occurred, according to the National Safety Council chartbook “Injury Facts.” What can workers do to help reduce this number? According to the … Continue reading

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Product Education – Dental Specialties

All dentists are not the same.  Here are some brief explanations about the different specialties in the dental field: 1. Endodontics Endodontists address issues involving teeth’s dental pulp and nerves. These specialists often perform root canals. 2. Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology … Continue reading

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