Monthly Archives: November 2018

Product Education – Dental Office Design and Fundamentals of Dental Assisting

On November 8, 2018, Nick Smith led training, uncovering some great resources for understanding the language, procedures design and standards required in a dental office. One resource is this Dental Office Design Guide that was prepared by the VA in … Continue reading

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Safety Tip – Don’t Slip!

Falls represent a serious hazard. In 2015, falls at home resulted in 21,100 deaths, according the 2017 edition of “Injury Facts,” a National Safety Council chartbook. Bathrooms, in particular, can be danger zones when it comes to falls. The Centers … Continue reading

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Monday Memo for November 5, 2018

Good Morning! After months of campaigning and bickering, we have finally arrived.  Election Day is Tuesday, November 6th. Don’t let the negativity of campaigns turn you off to voting.  Voting is still a right that should not go unused!   Educate … Continue reading

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Whitening, Bleaching Products

Whitening, Bleaching Products On November 1, Chris Lowrance led training on various products we carry for whitening and bleaching of teeth.  SDI offers kits for in-office procedures for dentists to apply; and home kits for self-application.  Details on both follow … Continue reading

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