Monthly Archives: October 2019

Personnel change – Customer Service

Wednesday, October 30, 2019 is Jacob’s last day with us.  We wish him well in his new job. Taking over as Customer Service Administrator is Jenny Pearcy.  She is no stranger to this position, having started doing this work when … Continue reading

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First Break for November is on Monday morning!

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Using Lasers in dental

On October 24, 2019, Blue led training on the history and many benefits of using Lasers in dental. The slide deck from the training is available here: DentalLaser benefits

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Dentaltown Podcast with Bob Payton

Howard Farran interviewed Bob Payton in October, 2019.  Here is a link to the podcast:

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Alginate vs 3D CAD/CAM Scanner Costs

Alginate vs 3D CAD/CAM Scanner Costs Following up on Nick’s scanner training on Thursday, October 3, 2019, Blue assembled the cost analysis report below from various industry and government sourcing. The full article is below or if you would like … Continue reading

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