Monday Memo for April 23, 2018

Good Monday Morning!  Two important updates this morning

  1. We have opened our showroom in the NYC area.  This past Friday, Dental Planet took a big step forward in opening a showroom just outside of NY.  There is a three chair operatory and an additional three exam rooms, all outfitted with Dental Planet equipment.  Now when talking about our quality products to customers on the east coast, we have a showroom in their area where they can see the quality refurbished and new products we sell.  We look forward to great thing to come out of having this showroom available.  In the accompanying picture, Tony and I were on site, along with Lois Hammer, who is the Director at the site we are in (Dental Studies Institute) as well as John Huley, one of our Independent Sales Reps.
  2. Our Quarterly Bonus.   We were profitable for only one month (March) out of the quarter, and that profit was not enough to erase the losses of January and February.  So the end result is that there is no bonus for the first quarter.  If you would like a refresh of how the bonus pool is calculated, click here to see the bonus plan.  You may remember we had some significant personnel changes in February.  With that restructuring that took place, results started showing up in March.  Additionally, some of the larger shipments that were booked at the end of last year were finally able to ship (the delays were caused by customer remodeling, not by our production department),  and sales continued to increase as we came out of what are typically the slowest sales months of the year.  With all of that occurring in March, we were profitable for that month.  We look for that type of performance to continue in the 2nd quarter that should erase our year-to-date losses and put us in good shape for a profitable quarter.  Being profitable is a lot more fun and we look forward to being in a position to share those profits with the pool in July.


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