Safety Tip – Don’t Slip!

Falls represent a serious hazard. In 2015, falls at home resulted in 21,100 deaths, according the 2017 edition of “Injury Facts,” a National Safety Council chartbook.

Bathrooms, in particular, can be danger zones when it comes to falls. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that about 235,000 people older than 15 visit emergency rooms each year because of bathroom-related injuries.

To help stay safe, place nonslip mats inside and outside of tubs; keep night-lights in bathrooms for increased visibility at night; install grab bars near toilets, showers and tubs; and remove tripping hazards.

Of course, a fall can happen anywhere. To help prevent falls both at home and at work, NSC offers several tips:

  • Ensure electrical and phone cords are secured away from high-traffic areas, such as hallways and in front of employees’ desks.
  • Always keep cabinets and drawers closed when not in use.
  • Wear proper footwear.
  • Clean up spills as soon as they occur, and post warning signs when necessary.
  • Avoid walking distracted.
  • Don’t carry large loads that obstruct your view.
  • Keep your home and office well-lit.
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