Weekly Safety Topic – Weather Can Affect Your Health

Sudden change in temperature, such as going from cold environment to a very hot environment or vice versa, will weaken your resistance, simply because your body tries to re-balance itself more quickly than usual. People experience many ‘physiological’ changes that are being continuously altered by the weather or climate. In fact, you may experience one or more of over 40 different symptoms associated with weather changes. In other words, a changing weather can stress out your immune system, making you more vulnerable to infections and viruses. This is why we often see people easily get ill during a seasonal change.

It has been a common knowledge that sudden change in weather condition and barometric pressure can greatly affect your physical condition, which is true. Some people feel dizzy or start to have a headache when a cyclone or typhoon is approaching. Others may experience ringing in the ears, listlessness, upset stomach, nausea, and so on. These are all believed to occur due to the changing of atmospheric pressure as well as weather or climate changes.

Recent research on how atmospheric changes can affect our health conducted on 1,000 people including the behavior of pets and animals such as dog, cat, cow, goat, and chicken showed an increase in the most common health problems that occur due to weather changes


  • Fatigue – that feeling of being run down or tired throughout the day
  • Stress – Increased sensitivity of wanting to do more, when you feel like doing less.
  • Skin Irritation – skin rashes caused by dry, cold weather, or extremely hot weather.
  • Loss of appetite – this happens more often during hot weather.
  • Cough – Keep your surroundings clean and free from dust. Avoid cigarette smoking. Avoid eating spicy foods.

Even Hair Loss?

During autumn, many women experience hair loss. In fact, the hair is usually the first thing to suffer from a bodily upset. Yes, this is a type of seasonal hair loss and is only temporary. If the problem is severe, you may need to consult a hair loss specialist.

Massaging your scalp with lukewarm oil (coconut oil, mustard oil, or almond oil) helps stimulate the hair follicles and improves blood circulation in the scalp.

How You Can Prevent Weather-Related Illnesses?

pyramidIt is important that you boost your immune system

Simply put, a healthy and well-balanced person is seldom sensitive to a sudden weather change. If you are a healthy and strong person, you can actually endure the stress caused by weather changes and not show any signs of discomfort or sickness.

orangeTake vitamin C

Vitamin C is definitely an immune system booster. It is also effective in the prevention of colds and flu, or a quick recovery from an illness. Because vitamin C is water soluble, it enters the bloodstream directly and your kidneys can excrete the excess vitamin when needed. Vitamin C and other water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body so you need to replenish it continuously.

Like in the case of most diseases and symptoms, there are a variety of factors that can also affect your health. Other than seasonal changes, your living environment, work-related stress, and diet, should not be discounted.

Whenever a seasonal change or sudden change in weather occurs, remember to increase your intake of vitamin C. Use a common sense approach to prevent getting seasonal influenza, and other various illnesses. Get rest when you feel tired or run down. Drink plenty of fluids to flush your body of any toxins you may pick up and always practice good hygiene when around people who you suspect may already be sick.

The simplest preventable action is to ensure you are washing your hands frequently.

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