Weekly Safety Topic… Safe on the Ice


With the upcoming forecast for icy weather in the area, thousands of Texans will be navigating icy roads and sidewalks this weekend…  Even heavy snow boots with great traction may not keep you upright on frozen walkways and stairs.

There is good news: If you find yourself slipping, remember, “tuck and roll.”

If you feel yourself losing balance, tuck into a ball, make yourself as small as possible and keep your head and face away from the fall, experts say.

Don’t put out your hands to catch yourself, or you’ll risk breaking your arms or wrists.

Try to land on the fleshy part of your body rather than your knees or spine.

Or try this proven way avoid a painful splat on the ice: Walk like a penguin.  The waddle keeps your center of gravity over your front leg and will help keep you upright.

Spread your feet out slightly, to increase your center of gravity, and take small steps.

Also, keep your hands out of your pockets while walking — that decreases your center of gravity and balance and you need your arms for extra balance.

Slips and falls are the second-leading cause of unintentional deaths, according to the National Safety Council.  And with the upcoming forecast for snow and ice this weekend, it may even stick around for a few days, it’s time to be extra careful.

Here are tips for walking safely in the winter weather:

  • Give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination to avoid carelessness.
  • Wear shoes or boots with good traction.
  • Walk at a slower pace and remember to waddle!
  • Stay on designated walkways.
  • Use the handrail when using stairs and entering and exiting buildings.

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