Weekly Safety Topic – Humor in Safety

Using Humor in Safety Messages

While safety is always a concern to everyone on the job, by simply telling somebody that they need to follow established policies or rules may not be the most effective way to get the message across. Hearing accident statistics or simply reading new safety procedures can be boring to employees.

Once a person loses interest in what is being presented, they are less likely to take in the entire message. If they can become engaged with the message because it strikes them as amusing, it is more likely to stick with them.

Safety at work is not something that workers can be exposed to once and no further information or follow-up is needed. Instead, it is a concept that should be focused on and discussed often hence our weekly safety topics….

There are many strategies used to compose funny workplace safety tips. For some people, a simple rhyme is easy to remember and keeps the idea of staying safe on the job fresh in the employee’s mind.

  • “Falling objects can be brutal, so wear your hard hat to protect your noodle.”
  • “A spill or a slip could mean a hospital trip.”
  •  “Working in a safe way means you’ll be around another day.”
  • “If you mess up, don’t hesitate to ‘fess up.”

Another way to convey safety messages is to use a play on words. These catchy phrases are also likely to stick in your mind and stay focused on steps to take to stay safe while performing job duties.

  • “Take a shortcut and you may be cutting your life short.”
  • “If you don’t want to bet your life, don’t gamble with safety.”
  • “If you are in favor of safety glasses, Say: ‘Eye'”
  • “It’s better to arrive late in this world than early in the next.”

More examples of funny workplace safety tips to keep in mind to help keep you and your coworkers from harm as all of you go about your duties on the job:

  • “Don’t be afraid to ask a dumb question. It’s a lot easier to deal with than a dumb mistake.”
  • “If you don’t want your spouse to spend your 401(k), don’t get hurt on the job today.”
  • “Remember: Safety is not an accident.”
  • “Remember to work safe today. Heaven can wait.”
  • “Your first mistake can also be your last.”
  • “Remember your safety ABC’s: Always Be Careful”

These are just a sample of some funny workplace safety tips that can help you avoid being injured. Using humor to keep safety on everyone’s mind can be one the most effective methods for helping people stay safe.

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