Weekly Safety Topic – Campus Driving

Safe Driving on Campus

With all the business activity, there will always visitors or pedestrians moving about the campus.

Vehicles should always be driven with the safety of all in mind.  This means extending extra courtesy to pedestrians, forklifts, golf carts and any visitors.

  • Maximum speed limit on campus is 15 miles per hour
  • Go slower when driving coming out of the building, between buildings or rounding corners.
  • Accommodate for extra time coming to or leaving work.
  • Don’t use handheld personal devices while driving – including cell phones and head phones
  • Our campus has many blind spots and there are many overhead and walk thru doors that exit directly into traffic areas.
  • Be aware of areas where pedestrians, forklifts and delivery vehicles meet.  When entering or exiting the alley between WH1 and WH2 remember the person on the right, has the Right-of-Way.
  • Assume the worse….  The other person may not stop, may not see you, or may not be as courteous as you would want them to be.
  • With a larger campus and it is easy to get up to “Cruzin’ speed” between the buildings, always maintain a safe speed and be prepared for someone or something popping out in front of you.

Remember the signs say Speed Limit, not Speed Minimum

Be cautious, be courteous, and by all means….
Be Safe!

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