Weekly safety Topic – Safe Practices for Pedestrians

Safe Practices for Pedestrians around Campus

Last week we discussed some of the hazards that are created when pedestrians are distracted by cell phones… This week we’ll look at some work practices that pedestrians can use to stay safe when they’re crossing paths with motor vehicles on campus.

Where’s the traffic? Pedestrians must learn to listen and look for warning signs that indicate a motor vehicle is nearby so they can take steps to avoid them.

  • Listen for the sound of vehicle horns. It is a good practice when driving a motor vehicle to sound the horn when approaching busy campus intersections, corners, or any other blind spots. I know UPS does and Brandon does, but it would be a good practice if even us as commuting drivers would sound our horns at blind intersections.
  • Listen for the sound of backup alarms. Most commercial vehicles have a backup alarm that sounds whenever the vehicle is moving in reverse.
  • Listen for the sounds of an engine. The engine will typically be louder when the vehicle is in motion.
  • Look for flashing lights. Some vehicle will be equipped with flashing or rotating lights that operate continuously.

Walking Safely near vehicle traffic

  • Be aware of the high traffic areas on campus. The alleyway being the most congested and highest traffic area
  • Avoid distractions when walking out where there is normally vehicle traffic, including reading paperwork, talking with other pedestrians or using your phone.
  • Stop and look both ways before entering a traffic lane…. crossing a warehouse aisle, walking up to a blind corner, or walking across an intersection where vehicle normally travel.

Approaching or being approached by a motor vehicle

  • Stay clear of the vehicles pathway even if you believe the driver has seen you.
  • Never cross paths of a motor vehicle. Wait for the vehicle to stop and the driver has acknowledged you to cross.
  • Even approaching a vehicle that has stopped, you should assume the vehicle could start moving at any time.
  • Keep their feet away from the tires of the vehicle.
  • Walk away before the driver moves the vehicle, rather than standing next to the vehicle and waiting for the driver to pull away.

Here are a few refreshers on Campus Driving Safety. Vehicles should always be driven with the safety of all in mind.  This means extending extra courtesy to pedestrians, forklifts and any visitors. 

  • Maximum speed limit on campus is 15 miles per hour – go slower when driving between buildings or rounding corners. 
  • Accommodate for extra time coming to or leaving work.
  • Don’t use handheld personal devices while driving – including cell phones and head phones
  • Our campus has many blind spots and there are many overhead and walk thru doors that exit directly into traffic areas.
  • Be aware of areas where pedestrians, forklifts and delivery vehicles meet.  When entering or exiting the alley between WH1 and WH2 remember the person on the right, has the Right-of-Way.  
  • With a larger campus and it is easy to get up to “Cruzin’ speed” between the buildings, always maintain a safe speed and be prepared for someone or something popping out in front of you.

Remember the reciprocation factor…..  that person you don’t see today, could be you tomorrow!

Be cautious, be courteous….  and be Safe!

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