Weekly Safety Topic – FALL prevention

It’s the first week… Don’t Fall for that!!!

How you decorate the areas around you reflects your personality and sense of style. With the Fall holidays approaching, everyone wants to decorate for season at hand. But be aware although these things make you feel more festive, those same items may decrease your safety or make it more likely that you could fall.

Keeping the area around you clear can make activities easier, safer and reduce your chances of falling. Removing all trip hazards, organizing our areas or even changing how or where you do activities can help avoid the risks.

  • Keep pathways, stairs and walkways clear by removing objects that you could trip over.
  • Find a safe storage place for things that are usually on the floor.
  • Be aware of uneven surfaces Look out for changes in the level of flooring, such as internal or external doorways
  • Keep frequently used items close by. Reaching over, up high or bending down low can cause you to lose your balance.
  • When in doubt take a light with you. Darkness will trick you into thinking the floors and objects are clear.

Whether you are walking around the campus to stay active or just going from workplace to workplace, falls can happen anywhere. There are many things you can do to reduce your risk of falls both on and off campus.

Be aware of where and when you walk

  • In the evenings or early morning, walk where there is plenty of light to help you see where you are going.
  • If you see a tree ahead in your path, look for new fallen leaves or tree roots that might push up the sidewalk.
  • Watch out for cracks in sidewalks, holes, and changes in sidewalk levels.
  • Be extra careful during and after stormy weather. Rain, snow, and ice can make any surface slippery.
  • Be sure you are wearing the correct eyewear while walking. Bifocals or reading glasses make it harder to see hazards on the ground. Wear sunglasses on bright days to reduce glare.

Tips for physical activity

  • When walking for exercise, try going to well-maintained places such as the mall or the track at a school.
  • Walk in pairs or groups so you can alert each other of potential hazards.
  • Wear shoes with firm soles and low heels.
  • Make sure to wear sturdy shoes when exercising.

Travel safely

  • Hold hand rails and move slowly when climbing outdoor stairs.
  • Use caution in parking lots and parking garages. Be aware of curbs, car stops, and changes in elevation.
  • While riding public transportation such as buses and trains, always use handrails when available.
  • When crossing the street, walk in crosswalks and use curb cuts or ramps when they are present.
  • Stop at islands in the middle of the street when available and wait for the next walk sign.
  • Always take your time – hurrying across streets puts you at risk of falling.
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