Weekly Safety Topic – New Year’s Resolutions

#1: Wash your hands more often.
If you do not want the flu or cold this winter, resolve to use soap and water or hand sanitizer to keep from spreading germs. Additionally, do not touch your face and cover my mouth if you cough. All of these easy changes make a huge impact during flu.

#2: Create and update my home emergency preparedness kit.
Everyone has a different kit and should to fit your individual needs. At the very least, you should make sure your kit contains enough food, water and other supplies to last for at least 72 hours. Your kit should reflect your needs for example, pet food for pets and any prescription medications.

#3: Do not use your cell phone or text while driving.
A trick is to keep your cell phone out of reach while driving. Store it in your console or on the passenger side floor. If it is out of sight and out of reach, you are less compelled to reach for it and remain a more focused driver.

#4: Learn CPR.
If you witnessed someone having a heart attack and could help save their life may be an unlikely situation, but it could happen. Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in adults. It accounts for 325,000 annual adult deaths in the United States. By learning how to effectively administer CPR your New Year’s resolution could mean the difference between life or death for someone.

#5: Create and keep your Smart911 Safety Profile Up to date.
Speaking of the difference between life and death, it is imperative that your Smart911 Safety Profile (www.smart911.com) contains accurate information for you and your household. Be sure your profile will accurately display the correct address and other vital information about you and your family.

If you are like most and have a hard time sticking to your resolutions, use the safety of yourself and your family as motivation to stick to your goals and make 2018 your safest and most prepared year yet.

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