Monday Memo – October 2, 2017





To:  All Dental Planet Employees

Date:  Monday, October 2, 2017

Good Morning!

When you are stuck in the middle seat for a three-hour flight, you have some time to think!

I had that situation this past week as I came home from California after looking at purchasing some equipment from another dental refurbishing company like us.  My thoughts went to the adage “you can’t judge a book by its cover.”

The company I went to visit was in a newer building and a newer section of the city.  But once you got inside, comparing the looks of our production area, our office, our showroom, even our boneyard, well there is no comparison.

I truly appreciate the work that is done here in all areas of our facility to make it look nice for guests, and the way it is kept clean.  Each of you plays a part in that, picking up around your area and just taking pride in working here.

Thank you for making us look good!

Have a great week.



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