Monday Memo – November 20, 2017





To:  All Dental Planet Employees

Date:  November 20, 2017

Good Morning!

We have a short week due to the holiday!  We will be closed Thursday and Friday this week.  You won’t be with your work family, but I hope you find time to spend with family and friends over the long holiday weekend.

If the duty of offering up the prayer before your Thanksgiving dinner falls to you and you don’t know what to say, here is some help:

Thanksgiving Day Prayer

For the wide sky and the blessed sun,

For the salt sea and the running water,

For the everlasting hills

And the never-resting winds,

For trees and the common grass underfoot.

We thank you for our senses

By which we hear the songs of birds,

And see the splendor of the summer fields,

And taste of the autumn fruits,

And rejoice in the feel of the snow,

And smell the breath of the spring.

Grant us a heart wide open to all this beauty.

  • Walter Rauschenbusch •

Have a great couple of work days and a terrific holiday!

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