First Break FUN!


For several years, we have been fortunate to have several sets of Texas Ranger baseball tickets that we receive in lieu of rent for storage.  Various factors have been used over the years in awarding the tickets.  Our plan in awarding the tickets this year is based on numerous factors including

  • some accomplishment that deserved special recognition by a supervisor
  • employees who have not been to a game
  • employees who are uber fans of one of the visiting teams
  • random selection
  • customers
  • business development prospects
  • partnership opportunities

Starting this year, HR is tracking how and where the tickets are being awarded to continue ensuring that we make the best use of this just like any other company asset.

An opportunity for anyone desiring Rangers tickets will be a raffle for a set of tickets at our next FIRST BREAK meeting on 6/4 for the Rangers game with San Diego on 6/27!

We will push First Break to Monday morning, June 4th!   Be sure to join us in the showroom for First Break.  Light snacks and a quick briefing on things going on around your workplace!


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