Safety Tip – Fire Safety

About 6,000 office fires are reported every year in the United States, according to the Seattle Fire Department. If our workplace experienced a fire, would you know how to respond?

When it comes to fire extinguishers, you should make sure you know the types, sizes and maintenance requirements of your extinguishers, as well as the basics of extinguisher operation.

If a fire does break out at work, employees will need to react quickly.

  • Take it seriously. Treat every alarm as a real fire emergency.
  • Call the fire department. Never wait to investigate the situation before notifying the fire department. Any delay will allow a fire to grow and further endanger the building occupants and property.
  • Be ready with information. When calling 911, employees should be able to accurately describe the situation and provide the address of the business, as well as the closest cross street. You should never hang up until the 911 dispatcher tells you to do so.
  • Close doors as you leave. Workers should close doors behind them as they evacuate, as this can help reduce the spread of smoke and fire throughout the building.
  • Go directly to our designated meet-up spots. Fires can cause chaos, so it’s important to go to our designated meeting place where all workers can be accounted for.
    • If you are in the Office or any Warehouse, you should go directly to the open grassy area between the Office and Warehouse 1.
    • If you are in the Production area or Cabinet Shop, you should directly to the area outside of the main Shipping bay door
  • Know what to do if you can’t get out. If workers are trapped in the building, they should create a “refuge” room. The room should be sealed with wet cloths to stuff under doors and in cracks to protect against smoke. Employees should know not to break windows, and to stay low under any smoke. Use a phone or hang something in the window so emergency personnel will know you need help.


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