Monday Memo for June 18, 2018

Good Morning!

Very recently, we had another “surprise” visit from the Texas Department of Health.  Their inspectors have come to see us previously, due to our handling of medical equipment, especially x-ray equipment.  The inspector came back sooner than usually scheduled due to Dental Planet recently being awarded a wholesale pharmaceutical license from the state.

The good news:  the inspector liked what she saw and our plan for storing some pharmaceuticals on site.

The better news:  on her last visit here, she recommended we improve certain processes on all refurbished equipment and we were able to prove that we implemented her recommendations!

Going forward:  especially due to having pharmaceuticals on site, we will be a target for closer and more frequent inspections.

  • We must have written processes for handling of pharmaceuticals, and we must be able to prove that we are following them.
  • We must keep our production and warehouse area’s clean at all times to be ready for surprise inspections.

We have asked Jacob Smyers to start a lengthy process of updating our written processes and procedures.  We should have them in place for everything we do in every department.  We are lacking in this area, and so with the need for new processes surrounding our sales of supplies, it is time.  We are planning to store our processes on this Intranet site so that updates can be rolled into processes immediately.  We will then also have to have some stepped up training on these processes as they are developed.

These are the tasks that are not fun, but are required of well-run organizations to be sure that we have controlled, repeatable, measurable methods of doing the thing necessary to run the company in compliance with applicable laws and to ensure we are the best at what we do.

I look forward to this helping us all do our jobs better!

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