Return Sheets / Vendor Credit


  1. The return sheet is used to track any returns that come in for credit or exchange
  2. Typically, Denise or Lorena will receive the returns and add them to the list. On occasion the returns will be sent to customer service, and you will add them.
  3. “DATE” enter the date you received the return
  4. “ENTERED BY” will be your initials
  5. “ORDER #” is the original order number for the return
  6. “CUST #” will be the customer/account number
  7. “CUSTOMER NAME” is the customer name
  8. “QTY” is quantity of items returned (enter every different item on its own line, like items can be kept together)
  9. “ITEM #” is the Dental Planet, or vendor item number
  10. “ITEM DESCRIPTION” describe the item being returned
  11. “CM/RTN” will be either the CREDIT MEMO or RETURN number used in the system
  12. “$” is the dollar amount being credited or refunded
  13. “COMMENTS/ISSUES” is a description of why the item(s) is being returned
  14. “KEEP OR RETURN” is usually filled in by Lorena, “KEEP” if it is something we can keep and resell/reuse or cannot be returned, “RETURN” if we are going to return it to the vendor
  15. “TESTED” if the item being returned needs to be tested before a refund is issued, or the item is reused/returned, a technician will test that it works properly. Lorena or Denise will typically enter (technicians name) TESTED
  16. “RMA #” is if the vendor requires a RETURN MERCHANDISE AUTHORIZATION NUMBER, it will be entered here. Lorena typically gets this number from the vendor
  17. “RETURN TYPE” will be “core”, “return for credit”, “exchanged” etc.
  18. “TRACKING NUMBERS TO VENDOR” enter the tacking information for the item going to the vendor
  19. “DATE RETURNED TO VENDOR” is the date the item is returned

Note:  If the item is being returned for vendor credit, the vendor will send a credit memo to customer service. The account will not be issued a refund until the credit memo is received. For typical returns, the refund may be processed once the item is returned. For vendor credits, you must wait until the vendor sends us the credit memo. (on occasion, the vendor may decide not to issues a credit, or not to issue a full credit. In this case, you must contact the office/doctor and inform them what the vendor decided and why.)

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