Product Education – Articulating Paper, Foil and Film

On 8/30/2018, Ross led training on the uses and kinds of Articulating Paper.

Articulating Paper, Foil and Film

Dental articulating paper is used to check the fit of dental restorations during a try in prior to final seating. These materials are placed between the restoration and adjacent or opposing teeth and the pressure of the bite or tight interproximal contacts leave a mark on the restoration, indicating where the contacts need to be adjusted. These materials should be easy to use, and the results should be easy to read to place your restorations for proper fit and function.

A video of how the product is used is below.

Articulating paper – As the name implies, it is made from paper with a wax pigmented coating. Comes in various thicknesses and shapes. Retail price ranges from $5.40 to 7.40 per box. Stocked item at MedPlus.

Articulating Foil – Mirrored plastic film with wax pigmented coating. Comes in one thickness and only one shape and size. Can be Red, Blue, one sided or two sided. Retail prices range from $11.40 to $12.40 per box. Stocked item at MedPlus.

Articulating Film – Plastic film with wax pigmented coating. Comes in one thickness and only one shape and size. Can be Red, Blue, one sided or two sided. Retail price is $9.40. Stocked item at MedPlus.


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