Product Education – Endodontic Canal Treatment Supplies


On 9/13/18, Blue led training about supplies often used in root canals.  More complex procedures, such as a root canal are often referred to an endodontist.  You can see a root canal from start to finish in the video below.

Internal Bleaching is performed due to a poorly executed root canal or damaged root that results in bacteria and pulp entering the dentin then darkening the tooth that can be seen in the gums or through the crown.  The picture below is an example of discolored tooth with crown removed.

Some products (links included for the ones we carry) and the techniques they are used for include:

  • Superoxol; This is used in the “walking bleach technique.” A cotton pellet soaked with superoxol bleaching material is placed in the pulp chamber followed by a cherry red hot heat carrier stuck into the tooth while it smoked. The patient would get a funny look when he heard sizzling inside his head. Typically no longer the first choice in endodontics as petroleum jelly, Orabase or cocoa butter must be applied to protect the gums due to the oxidative effects  and due to the heating required.

Sodium Perborate solution mixed with Superoxol is the preferred method. Procedure is repeated every 3-4 weeks until desired lightening.

Filling materials

Filling materials; Acroseal, Bioroot & Zinc oxide Eugenol.  Both are sealers used in conjunction with gutta-percha to create an adequate seal of the root canal. Sealers come in zinc-oxide-eugenol, silicone. Glass ionomer, and epoxy or methacrylate resins.

BioRoot is made from pure calcium silicate and is monomer free which means it won’t shrink.  5mm radiopacity for clear x-rays and will not stain teeth.  Most importantly it is Hydrophilic so it will set with moisture present and adhere to gutta percha points easily.

Acroseal has zero water solubility and is eugenol free for easy compatibility with modern adhesive materials such as bonded posts and cores, & resin cements.  Contains Calcium hydroxide which improves periapical healing.

Septodent Endomet Root Canal Sealant kit is a Zinc oxide eugenol (old school doctor) compatible with all endo obturation techniques, may present issues with some modern adhesive materials.

Septodent Pharmaéthyl Is a cryo-anesthetic spray for a fast and easy method to test pulp vitality. Pharmaethyl uses tetrafluoroethane as opposed to ethyl chloride, because the former has greater cryo-anaesthetic activity. This topical spray is to be used before extracting teeth or lancing abscesses. The quicker and deeper cooling action helps improve efficacy. As an added bonus, this freezing agent even suppresses the gag reflex, and is delivered in a calibrated dose.

Gutta-Percha was first introduced as a restorative material and later developed into an indispensable endodontic filling material. It has become the “soul” of endodontics, in its development as a specialty.

Gutta-Percha is originated from the Malay language with “Getah” meaning gum and “Pertja” is the name of the tree.

Originally used in India as Knife handles, walking sticks and other items and later to seal underground seawater cables then eventually used for the creation of jewels and ornaments, golf balls until 1900.  Gutta-percha is a dried coagulated extract of plants of Palaquium, Blanco genus of Sapotaceae family. Since its molecular structure is close to that of natural rubber, which is a cis-isomer of poly-isoprene, it has a number of similarities but a difference in form makes its mechanical properties to behave more like Crystalline polymers.  Gutta-percha comes in 4 different forms:

  • Solid core Gutta-percha points
    • Standardized
    • Non-Standarized
  • Thermo mechanical compactable Gutta-percha
  • Thermo plasticized Gutta-percha
    • Solid core system
    • Injectible form
  • Medicated Gutta-percha

Endosolve E reduces the risks associated with the use of power driven instruments during mechanical root canal sealer removal due to its high softening potency. This solvent is able to soften conventional zinc oxide eugenol cements and phenolic resin type sealers in the context of endodontic retreatment. Helps to remove zinc-oxide eugenol-based and phenolic resin type root canal sealers. One single product instead of two.















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