Whitening, Bleaching Products

Whitening, Bleaching Products

On November 1, Chris Lowrance led training on various products we carry for whitening and bleaching of teeth.  SDI offers kits for in-office procedures for dentists to apply; and home kits for self-application.  Details on both follow the video.

How LED whitening light works:

  • Teeth are preconditioned with a prescription-strength fluoride toothpaste.
  • Care is taken to isolate sensitive tissues so only the teeth are exposed.
  • Bleaching gel containing hydrogen peroxide is applied to your teeth.
  • The activation lamp emits light that triggers the gel; the lamp doesn’t emit heat, meaning you won’t be made uncomfortable by a hot light from the procedure.
  • The tooth whitening gel enters your enamel and lifts the stains.

In-office process demonstration video

  1. SDI Pola Kit for In Office Application only
    1. Gingival barrier: Protects the gums from the oxidative effects of the hydrogen peroxide gel
    2. 35% Hydrogen peroxide. Complete kits contain powder pots, syringes, gingival barrier and accessories.
    3. Quicker than light activated whitening options reducing time spent in chair thereby increasing ROI
    4. Quick and easy clean up. Doctors can charge $300 to $1000 for a course of treatments.
    5. Kits come in 1 -3 patient kits or Bulk kits

(see SDI Pola Collection brochure for USA Dentists here)

(see SDI Pola Luminate brochure for USA Dentists here)

(see SDI Shade Guide & Ordering Information brochure for USA Dentists here)


2. SDI Home kits for patient self-application

  1. Nanova Hydrapearl
    1. 6% Hydrogen peroxide solution, various flavors for at home applications.
    2. Trays and Tray cases
    3. Great upsell items for doctors to increase revenue. Average cost to consumer is $200- $400 providing a great margin.
  2. SDI Pola Day + Pola Night kit
    1. Options of 37.5%; 35%; 22%; 16%; or 10% carbamide peroxide; 9.5%; 7.5%;6% or 3% hydrogen peroxide
    2. Comes in complete kits, individual syringes, refills dispensers or individual disposable syringes.
    3. OptionalPolaLuminate (touch up pen)
    4. Soothe; a potassium nitrate and fluoride releasing gel to relieve sensitivity.

3. GC America MI Paste

Comes in melon, mint, strawberry, tutti frutti & vanilla, all sugar free for restoring mineral imbalances causes demineralization. Often used to restore enamel gloss after using whitening products.

4. Lights

  1. Radii plus + attachment by SDI, full arch LED whitening item # 5600092 (see SDI brochure here)
  2. Radii plus + single tooth LED bleach attachment item # 5600258
  3. TPC Advance ALED-2500 multi-arch whitening on stand.
  4. Zolar Diode laser 10W

Whitening and Bleaching processes and products are a simple add on than can seriously boost ROI. Simply offer the option on each hygiene visit that makes sense and set your fees. Insurance may not cover it, so you can adjust your fee schedule and “include it free”.

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