Safety Tip – Don’t Get Bit!

Every day, an average of 10 letter carriers are attacked by a dog, according to the Washington-based National Association of Letter Carriers. The rate of dog bites begins to rise in February, and generally reaches an annual high in June. Ideally, all dogs should be properly restrained by a leash or fence but, in reality, this is not always the case. Being aware of what animals are around in advance of an attack can help prevent a disaster.

To avoid dog bites, NALC suggests:

  • Always carry pepper spray.
  • Do not run past a dog – the animal’s natural instinct is to chase prey.
  • If you are confronted by a dog, do not make eye contact. Try to remain motionless until the dog is gone, then slowly back away until you are out of danger.
  • Do not approach a strange dog under any circumstances.
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