Safety Tip – Working In The Cold

As CEO of the Snow and Ice Management Association, Martin Tirado is particularly empathetic toward outdoor workers who have to brave winter weather.

His Mequon, WI-based organization offers a personal protective equipment checklist to its members and instructs them on how long their workers should stay out in cold conditions before taking an all-important break.

“Typically – and it kind of depends on the temperature – but out of one hour of work, 15 minutes should be inside somewhere warming up,” Tirado said.

Limiting exposure to cold can go a long way toward preventing cold stress injuries and illnesses such as frostbite, hypothermia, trench foot and chilblains.

The big three

Three major factors to keep in mind when working outdoors are air temperature, wind and moisture.

The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists developed a sliding scale based on those three variables, which OSHA turned into a cold stress equation. It shows that exposed skin is in danger of freezing within one minute when the temperature is between -20° and -30° F and no wind is present.

With winds around 20 mph, that danger zone threshold begins at 10° F because blowing air can take away at least part of the bubble of heat that the body creates.

Trench foot and chilblains (for more on these conditions, see below) can occur at temperatures as high as 60° F, according to NIOSH.

Brenda Jacklitsch, a health scientist in NIOSH’s education and information division, said moisture on the skin and any wind can cause the body to lose heat. That means dressing properly for the cold is critically important for workers.

What to wear

Experts recommend using breathable layers, making sure clothing isn’t so tight that it cuts off circulation or impedes movement. Layering also allows workers to remove clothing if they become too warm from exertion or weather conditions change.

“There needs to be a balance that’s found between what you’re wearing and the type of job you’re doing,” Jacklitsch said. “You need to be aware that having extra PPE on may restrict some of your movements, so you need to be more careful.”

Layering clothing can provide better insulation against the cold because the body can warm the trapped air between the layers, Jacklitsch said. If the fabric is breathable, it will keep perspiration from building up on the skin and pulling away needed body heat.

Experts also suggest workers wear items such as hats and hoods, or liners under their hard hats, to decrease the amount of heat escaping from the head. Jacklitsch said a knit cap that covers the ears or part of the face is likely to keep a worker warmer than a ball cap.

Regarding footwear, experts suggest insulated, waterproof boots with proper traction. The Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety goes a bit further, calling for “felt-lined, rubber-bottomed, leather-topped boots with removable felt insoles” because the leather allows the boots to breathe and the air to evaporate any perspiration.

Gloves also should be insulated and water-resistant if necessary, according to OSHA.

What to do

OSHA doesn’t have a defined standard on working in the cold but states that employers must protect workers from hazards in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

OSHA and NIOSH recommend that employees:

  • Schedule work to be completed during the warmest part of the day.
  • Pair up (buddy system) so you can monitor co-workers.
  • Drink warm liquids, avoid caffeine and alcohol.
  • Avoid touching metal surfaces with their skin, and to bring extra clothing. Other items workers should have with them include blankets, a thermos with a hot beverage, and a first aid kit with chemical hot packs and a thermometer.

OSHA warns workers to avoid working fatigued or exhausted “because energy is needed to keep muscles warm.”

Tirado stressed the importance of workers staying hydrated, advising they drink just as much water as they do in the summertime.

“You can get dehydrated even though you don’t feel like you’re sweating. It’s a common mistake that happens. [People] don’t realize that heat escapes the body very quickly in the winter, and they get dehydrated that way,” he said.

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