Glossary of Dental Product terms

On Thursday, June 13, 2019, Randy led the sales training with a tour of the Glossary we have on our Dental Planet site.

This glossary was built as an external tool to draw in web search traffic to our site, so it is housed on our main Dental Planet website.  It focuses on products available for dentists.  Other glossarys that we have focus on actual dental or endodontic terminologies.

But for those of us who are on the peripheral of the dental industry, it is a great tool as well so we can quickly find the definition of words or phrases we hear from our customers.

If you have ideas for adding terms to the glossary, please see Randy.

Click here to visit the Product Glossary on our DentalPlanet website.

Click here to visit the Dental Anatomy terminologies Glossary.

Click here to visit the Endodontic Glossary.

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