Orthodontic Archware

On Thursday, January 23, 2020, Devin led the training on Ortho archware and other ortho products available through Dental Planet.

Orthodontic Archwire

An archwire in orthodontics is a wire conforming to the alveolar or dental arch that can be used with dental braces as a source of force in correcting irregularities in the position of the teeth. An archwire can also be used to maintain existing dental positions; in this case it has a retentive purpose. Orthodontic archwires may be fabricated from several alloys, most commonly stainless steel, nickel-titanium alloy, and beta-titanium alloy.

Different Types of wires include:

    • Noble Metal Alloy
    • Stainless Steel archwire
    • Multi-Strand Stainless Steel archwires
    • Australian archwire
    • Cobalt-Chromium Archwire
    • Nickel-titanium Archwire
    • Copper nickel-titanium alloy
    • Shape memory
    • Beta-titanium archwire
    • Connecticut new archwire

Nivodental.com has orthodontic supplies where we can order from if an orthodontist calls inquiring about archwires.

Below is a video showing how Archwires work


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