Another Chance at Rangers Tickets!!

We’ve got another chance for you to win the Texas Rangers baseball tickets for Sunday, July 22nd!

Nick Smith, who won the drawing at our First Break meeting, could not use the tickets for that day, so….

If you could use the tickets for the afternoon game on the 22nd of this month, and you have not previously won or been awarded baseball tickets this season, just

  1. Comment below this post that you want entered (click the title Another Chance… that opens up the story and an option to REPLY at the bottom of the page)
  2. Send an email to that you want entered
  3. See me for a ticket sometime Tuesday or Thursday before noon (July 3rd or 5th)
  4. 1 entry per employee
  5. Drawing will be at noon on Thursday, July 5th.

Good Luck!!!

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9 Responses to Another Chance at Rangers Tickets!!



  2. Jacob Smyers says:

    I’d like to be entered.

  3. Nick Whittington says:

    sign me up.

  4. Steve J Tinney says:

    Put me in please.

  5. Scott York says:

    sign me up please

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