Category Archives: Sales

National Service Providers (NSP) Network

Dental Planet utilizes the services of many independent dental technicians around the country.  The techs are used for smaller installation jobs as well as warranty/service work.  The NSP Coordinator manages the network, verifying the types and quality of service provided. … Continue reading

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Checking on Proposal Progress

CHECKING PROPOSALS If a doctor calls checking on equipment that was sold back to us, you will check the purchasing database Go to Login with your Dental Planet ID information Search the proposition number under “Doc_ID” The information on … Continue reading

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Sales ROI Calculator

SALES ROI CALCULATOR To help prospective customers understand their income potential from purchasing equipment from Dental Planet, we have developed this Return On Investment (ROI) calculator. Click the link below to open the Google Sheets file. On the first tab, … Continue reading

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Supply Order Process

SUPPLY ORDER PROCESS 2018 Objective: Onboard two Supply Customers per month per sales person Supply Order Process Utilize existing order process as much as possible Ask every customer who they currently buy their supplies from and ask if we can … Continue reading

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Trade Credits / Release Holds

TRADE CREDITS/ RELEASE HOLDS The “TRADE IN CREDITS” excel spreadsheet is used to keep track of trade credits on customer accounts Customers receive trade credits for selling us used equipment, or for returns that are credited to their account When … Continue reading

Posted in Customer Service, Logistics (Ship/Rcv/Transport), Production, Sales | Leave a comment