Category Archives: Monday Memo

Monday Memo for April 1, 2019

Good Monday Morning! Two quick things today: We have a new tenant on our campus. Mr. Bob Holt has rented Building 3A, known to most as “the condo”. He will mostly be storing some construction materials in the building, but … Continue reading

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Monday Memo for January 2, 2019

OK, so all of our dates are messed up as we get through the holidays.  It is not Monday, but it is the start of a new year and what is left of this week!  Let’s make it the very … Continue reading

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Monday Memo for December 26, 2018

Well it is not Monday, but welcome back to work after what I hope was a great Christmas holiday! Today I wanted to share some pictures that Randy got for us from our Christmas luncheon.  The fun of the games … Continue reading

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Monday Memo for November 19, 2018

Good Morning!! This week will be a short one for work!  Thanksgiving and Black Friday (22nd and 23rd) are both company holidays this year, so all operations will be closed. I hope you are able to spend time relaxing with … Continue reading

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Monday Memo for November 12, 2018

Good Morning!! Keep in mind that this Thursday, November 15th, we will have our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon.  Sign-ups have been posted, so please contribute to the meal and plan to enjoy some time of fellowship around the table!

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