Category Archives: Monday Memo

Monday Memo for November 5, 2018

Good Morning! After months of campaigning and bickering, we have finally arrived.  Election Day is Tuesday, November 6th. Don’t let the negativity of campaigns turn you off to voting.  Voting is still a right that should not go unused!   Educate … Continue reading

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Monday Memo for October 16, 2018

Well this may be a day late, but happy start to a new week anyway!  And this time I want to pass along personal “thank you” to all for the birthday wishes and to those evil doers who were up … Continue reading

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Monday Memo for October 8, 2018

Good Morning! I just want to refresh you this morning on our First Break discussion last week.  As we enter our busy time of year, don’t be a Bon Qui Qui (as seen in the video below).  Always remember to … Continue reading

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Monday Memo for August 27, 2018

Good Morning! We are pleased to report a couple of personnel shifts as of today. Lupe is transitioning to full time work at the front desk, which frees up Jenny to work full-time with Randy in Marketing. We appreciate the … Continue reading

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Monday Memo for August 6, 2018

Good Morning! Today I want to give a big shout-out to ALL of our team members who were involved in transforming a dark, drab, dirty, hot storage room into our bright new climate-controlled, security monitored Supplies Storage Room! Great job … Continue reading

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