Dental Cost-Share Program introduced for employees!

Very exciting news today for all DentalPlanet employees!

DentalPlanet employees and your families now have a new dental health program available to help you save money!  This is not a dental insurance plan, but rather a program whereby DentalPlanet will share in the cost of your dental health treatments, and our partner in this program, Magnolia Dental/Dr. Cale Lennard will also offer significant discounts for you and your family.

The program, initiated on October 1, 2020 includes these highlights:

  1. Employees of DentalPlanet may receive up to $1,000 of dental care per year!
  2. Basic preventative dental care including cleanings, exams, x-rays, emergency exams, etc. will be covered at 100% (up to your annual maximum).
  3. The cost of many other treatments will be shared between DentalPlanet and the employee, reducing your out of pocket costs substantially.
  4. Employee family members are eligible for a discount on services provided.
  5. There is no charge for employees to participate in the program.  Your only costs will be for services provided

Read over the Program outline (linked below) and if interested, simply return a signed copy of this document to your supervisor.

Dental Planet-Magnolia Dental Dental Cost-Share Program 2020

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