Farewell from Brandon

As Brandon left, he wanted you all to know you were in his thoughts…

To my Dental Planet Family,

As I walk out Dental Planet today for the last time, it will not be without some sadness.

I want to start out by saying thank you to Dental Planet for giving me the opportunity to work here. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here and could not have accomplished all that I have without all of you. While I am excited to start my new chapter in life, I will forever look back on my time here and all the friends I’ve made along the way. To those that I have known for years, and those that are new friends, you will all be missed. I want all of you to know that if you ever need anything, I will always do my best to help you out. I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors whether they be work related or personal.

I hope you all have a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas!

Farewell for now!


-Brandon Williams

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