Items that need attention

All –

I’m going to address some items that need immediate attention.

  1. Mobile Phones. Phones have become an issue. As I walk around the front office and back in production, I see several people on their phones. Unless it is related to work, phones need to be put up until break or lunch. If this continues to be an issue, we will require phones be turned off or put up during work hours.
  2. Pay. What you make here is between you and ownership. It is not appropriate to talk about your pay to other employees. If you’re not happy with your pay and feel you deserve a raise, or want a different pay structure, then you need to come see me and we can discuss it. That said, you better make darn sure your prepared to answer the questions that I will have for you when we do have that meeting. Just understand that it’s our job to see and hear everything going on at DuraPro Health.
  3. PTO. It is a requirement that you put in a time off request in ADP before taking a PTO day/days. Per the handbook, if it is longer than a couple days, then we need as much notice as possible, preferably 30 days.
  4. All Policies and Procedures. Attached is our most recent handbook. This is also posted on our DP Intranet, along with many other items. The policies and procedures in this handbook need to be followed. Again, if you have a question with a particular item, come see myself or Nick and we can discuss it. We are not a mom and pop organization that flies by the seat of our pants. We have too many team members that depend on each other to do that. I hope everyone can sees that were flexible here at DuraPro Health. Please don’t take advantage of this flexibility and ruin it for everyone else.

Lastly, here are some examples of the traits that make a good team member, no matter where you’re at. Positive attitude, positive body language, energetic, good work ethic, coachable, willingness to learn, communicative.

Denise, please make sure everyone in the back has the ability to read this. I’ve also posted this on the intranet.

Thanks for your cooperation.

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