Monday Memo – December 4, 2017





To:  All Dental Planet Employees

Date:  December 4, 2017

Good Morning!

We all need victories to celebrate, and we just closed out a terrific sales month that I want to stop and celebrate this morning.

The sales of $900,000 in November is higher than any month for the past four years!  Congratulations to everyone who helped make this a reality – and that means everyone who works here!!

The sales contracts were completed in November, but we will actually be shipping these products out to our customers throughout the coming months.  That should help us lay a base of work and revenue that should help with some of the slow months in the first quarter of next year.  Brian reported this morning that our backlog of goods that is sold but not yet shipped is over $1 million for the first time in many years.

Additionally, Randy reports that visits to our website in November were dramatically increased.  45,000 visits, just shy of our all-time high.  These are the type of results we look for when trying to build a sustainable and repeatable business model that will give us the lift we need to take next steps in our continued growth.

It is an exciting time to be at Dental Planet…I’m pleased to be sharing this time of celebration with you!

Have a great week.

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