Monday Memo – February 19, 2018





To:  All Dental Planet Employees

Date:  February 19, 2018

Good Morning!

My background is in communications.  I think I am a pretty good communicator.  But I fall short of that “pretty good” mark too often.  Me, you, we all need to communicate better and more often.

Ever since we eliminated one of our weekly meetings recently I have been thinking through how to replace that communication opportunity and expand it to involve everyone on the DP team.

I have a solution I would like for us to try.

FirstBreak will be a meeting for everyone on the team, preliminarily scheduled for the first workday of each month at the time of the first break of the day, 10:00.  There will be light snacks for your break, and then just a quick briefing on company news, trends or feedback.  We will meet in the showroom area of the office building.

I hope this will help keep everyone more aware of all that is going on with the many aspects of our company.

I look forward to seeing you for our first FirstBreak on Thursday, March 1st at 10:00 am

Have a great week.

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