Monday Memo – January 29, 2018





To:  All Dental Planet Employees

Date:  January 29, 2018

Good Morning!

A lot of our work here at Dental Planet is reliant on technology.  From our website that drives most of the customer inquiries we receive, to the refurbishing of digital imaging systems, many of us are involved in jobs that require interaction with technology, and that typically means we are learning something new about how to work with that technology all the time.

“Technology is changing too fast for you to rely solely on traditional learning methods,” says Ralph de la Vega, head of De La Vega Group and former AT&T chairman. Learning needs to happen at “the speed of change,” and be largely self-directed, to keep up with the pace of transformation in today’s work world.

De la Vega goes on to say, “You must be constantly curious, staying on top of trends, learning all the time and largely on your own, analyzing and connecting the dots as announcements are made.”

I encourage you to open up and be a lifelong learner about technology.  Challenge yourself to master a computer program that you don’t feel comfortable with today or start learning what goes on when you hit “that” button on a piece of computerized equipment.

Back in 1981 the National Enquirer trademarked the slogan “Enquiring minds want to know”.   Are you an enquiring mind about technology?

Have a great week.


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