Monday Memo – March 12, 2018

To:  All Dental Planet Employees

Date:  March 12, 2018

Good Morning!

As discussed in our recent company meeting, the revised Employee Policy Handbook is now available.  It has been posted on our employee intranet site, which is being updated as we speak to once again be a place to look first for resources and updated information.

Please be sure you review the Employee Policy Handbook, as you will be asked to sign a new acknowledgment that you have seen it.

If you need to print the handbook, go ahead, but beware it is about 30 pages long!  It has now been formatted to be an electronic document.  You can scroll through the entire handbook, or at the Table of Contents, click on any subject you wish to review, and you will jump to that point in the document.  At the bottom of each page there is a link to take you back to the Table of Contents, so you can search out additional topics.

If you have any questions about any of the company policies, please see or call me.

Have a great week.

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