Monday Memo – March 5, 2018





To:  All Dental Planet Employees

Date:  March 5, 2018

Good Morning!

Two things to cover this morning:

  1. A recap of our FIRSTBREAK meeting on Thursday.  This puts what we talked about in writing and covers everything for those who were travelling and not able to join us.
    1. Our organization is changing and evolving.  We are losing some significant intelligence about our business with some recent personnel changes, but we have a strong team and we will carry on.
    2. The personnel leaving has opened the door for the following changes:
  2. Jenny Pearcy has joined us as Customer Service Coordinator
  3. Denise Reece is our Interim Production Manager
    1. There will be NO WHOLESALE CHANGES in the way we do things, particularly in Production.  Brian and Richard put strong processes in place and we will continue with business as usual.  We had already started a process of analyzing how to better streamline products going through production, and that exercise continues.  We will always be looking for ways to improve, and typically the best ideas come from you, the people who are working in the business every day.  If you have suggestions, we are open to listening to them.  See your supervisor or come see me!
    2. I am the Human Relations (HR) office.  This is especially important to know if there is an injury at work.  I need to be notified immediately.  Always call 911 first if you or someone needs immediate medical attention, but any other time, notify me of anything more than a paper cut.
    3. Other HR News – the updated Employee Policy Handbook is now posted, and we are sending it out electronically.  We will follow that up with revised Job Descriptions and Acknowledgments for all to sign as well.  No major changes, just updating to keep up with current law and regulations.
    4. Sales Update.   Tony reported we missed our sales goal for February, but we were over our goal in January.  We are a little behind where we had budgeted to be, but not bad.  These are two of the slowest months every year, so it is good to get them behind us.  Traffic on our website and on the phones appears to be strong, a good sign for March.
    5. Hearing the Voice of the Customer.  Randy shared some of the most recent reviews from our customers.  These were all good and anytime you want to see the latest reviews, click here.
  1. The promised details of the 2018 Employee Bonus Plan.  It can be found here.  As always, please see me with any questions.

Have a great week.

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