Monday Morning Memo for

We recently asked each of you to review your Job Descriptions, while reviewing the Employee Policy Manual.  Below, blogger Seth Godin offers some of the checklist items that might have been omitted:

  • Add energy to every conversation
  • Ask why
  • Find obsolete things on your task list and remove them
  • Treat customers better than they expect
  • Offer to help co-workers before they ask
  • Feed the plants
  • Leave things more organized than you found them
  • Invent a moment of silliness
  • Highlight good work from your peers
  • Find other great employees to join the team
  • Cut costs
  • Help invent a new product or service that people really want
  • Get smarter at your job through training or books
  • Encourage curiosity
  • Surface and highlight difficult decisions
  • Figure out what didn’t work
  • Tell a joke at no one’s expense
  • Smile a lot.

Make it a better Monday by checking off a few items on that list!

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