Monday Morning Memo for April 30, 2018


Good Morning!

Last year, Mr. Dale Brown (Moriah Investments) was made aware of a need for dental equipment at one of the christian missions that he supports, Mission Lazarus.  Mr. Brown asked for our help with this and our team put together a fantastic package of everything needed for the Mission.

It all came together this past week as Dwight was on site in Honduras to complete the installation.  You can see by the pictures that our team did a great job with the refurbished equipment.  According to the Mission Lazarus CEO Jarrod Brown “Our medical director and all of her staff are blown away at how amazing this blessing is and how much of a blessing it will be for so many!  Thank you so very much for this great tool that will help us build deeper and stronger relationship with the communities we are sharing the Good News with!!”


Will Lunsford with Moriah passed along the pictures and wanted everyone here to know how much your efforts are appreciated to make this happen.  As Will said “Sometimes success is measured in much more than dollars, cents and KPI’s.  Please pass along to Team DP that what we do matters and makes a difference (temporally and eternally).”

I second that!  Great to know your work here will truly make a difference in someone else’s life!   You can find out more about Mission Lazarus by clicking here.



Don’t forget First Break…10:00 am in the Showroom/Office area on Tuesday, May 1st!!


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