Notes from First Break meeting of 10/1

To recap what was discussed at First Break on Tuesday morning (especially for those who were not able to join us):

  1. Personnel News:
    1. Welcome to Devin Lee.

      Devin Lee

      Devin is our new addition to the sales department and started yesterday.

    2. Troy McKinney has left DP pursuing other employment in the IT field
    3. Replacing Troy as a Digital Tech/Installer is a familiar name and face…Brandon Williams

      Brandon Williams

      .  Brandon will start on October 7th.

    4. Both the Employee Directory and Phone List (suitable for printing and posting) have been updated to reflect these changes.
  2. The Numbers:
    1. Sales fell short in September, but the good news is that we are still basically flat with 2018 sales
    2. Production was also lower in September, but there is still a substantial backlog of work to get out, it is just that there is a lot of it not scheduled to ship till closer to the end of the year.
    3. Today marks the beginning of the 4th Quarter, which is typically a very busy time for us, so let’s all make sure we are on our game to end the year strong!
  3. Health Related Info:
    1. Beginning in a month from now, November 1, we would be able to have a small group health insurance option that employees could pay for through payroll deduct.  While the company is still not offering a paid health insurance benefit, the savings that an employee can recognize through this pre-tax deduction offer a substantial savings.  At the bottom of this post is an example of what the individual rates look like (see the “Age Rating” rows.  Spouse, children or whole family rates are available as well.  It is Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance and health insurance is still very expensive.  If you have any interest or would like more information, please come speak to Bob or plan to come to an informational meeting we will have in the coming weeks.
    2. We will be having Flu Shots available on site in next few weeks.  The company will pay the $35 for the flu shot if you have no insurance coverage.  If you have health insurance, please bring your card, as the provider will bill your insurance and you will not have any out of pocket costs.  Please look for date and time of Flu Shots to be posted.
Dental Planet
Effective Date 10/01/2019
PPO Network HMO Network
Deductible $ 5,750.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,650.00 $ 7,350.00
Coinsurance 70% 80% 100% 100%
Out of Pocket Max $ 6,650.00 $ 7,350.00 $ 6,650.00 $ 7,350.00
Office Visit Copay NA $40 / $70 NA $30 / $60
Generic 80% / 80% $10 / $20 100% $10 / $20
Brand 70% / 60% $70 / $120 100% $70 / $120
Specialty 60% / 50% $150 / $250 100% $150 / $250
Composite Rating
Employee Only $ 622.71 $ 726.49 $ 438.98 $ 548.72
Age Rating
44 $ 433.45 $ 492.97 $ 297.87 $ 372.33
58 $ 790.56 $ 899.12 $ 543.29 $ 679.10
57 $ 756.12 $ 859.96 $ 519.62 $ 649.51
33 $ 371.70 $ 422.74 $ 255.44 $ 319.29
60 $ 842.07 $ 957.70 $ 578.68 $ 723.34
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