Proper Customer Service Etiquette


In addition to the text below, we have two PDF documents on Telephone Etiquette available to be downloaded and printed.

Phone Etiquette for Customer Service Providers

Phone Etiquette Basics

Customer service is one of the most important aspects in what we do at Dental Planet. Proper, courteous customer service can be the difference in a disgruntled customer leaving a bad review, and one leaving a great review for how well they were helped. Proper customer service can be used to defuse a bad situation and can insure customers continue to use Dental Planet.

  1. When answering the phone-
  2. “Thank you for calling Dental Planet, this is (your name) how may I help you?”
  3. Make sure you write down the information the customer is giving so nothing is forgotten during the call.
  4. Be sure you get the office/doctor’s name, issues they have, and an email/phone number.
  5. If you are unable to answer questions while you are on the phone, be sure to call back promptly.
  6. Always maintain a professional manner when speaking with a customer. Even if the customer is angry, you are expected to use proper customer service.
  7. Follow up- whether it is returning a phone call, calling back, or ensuring someone else called an office, if you tell the doctor you will do something, do it.
  8. If a customer comes in to the showroom, be sure you great and interact with them in a professional manner. Make sure you are using acceptable language on any phone conversations, someone may overhear and be offended.
  9. When talking with a vendor, you should treat them with the same respect you would a customer. It is acceptable to be stern with the vendor if it is necessary, but do not be rude. There are some vendors who believe they are always right, this can be frustrating when trying to resolve an issue but maintain composure until a resolution is reached.
  10. Be sure you are utilizing the “Notes” on orders and in customer accounts. Communication is key, and “Notes” allow all communication with doctors/offices to be shared with any employee.
  11. Utilize TROUBLE TICKETS with any customer call. Trouble Tickets allow the proper employees to know what is going on and get any information they may need to assist the doctor.

Things to Remember in Customer Service-

  • Be honest
  • Be respectful
  • Be courteous
  • Be professional
  • Try to find a solution in timely fashion

Customer service is the first and last line of defense when it comes to dealing with our customers. Dental Planet depends on you to insure our customers are pleased with their service and will continue to use Dental Planet for all their dental needs. Remember that “the customer is always right” and treat them that way. Always treat the customer the way you would expect to be treated if you were on the other end.

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