Refund Sheet


  1. The “REFUNDS” excel spreadsheet is used to track refunds by month.
  2. “DATE” is the date the refund is being processed
  3. “CUST CODE” is the customer account number
  4. “ORD #” is the order number being refunded
  5. “CC, CK, PP, AMZ” is the way the refund was credited. CC- credit card, CK- check, PP- PayPal, AMZ- amazon
  6. “CODE” on the bottom of the spreadsheet there is a list of return codes. These codes assign a number to why the refund is being done. 1- no sale/return deposit/trade credit, 2- item didn’t work when received, etc.
  7. “TOTAL” is the total of the refund
  8. “SALES PERSON” is the sales person in charge of the order. Make sure this is filled in, so the sales persons numbers are accurate
  9. “DESCRIPTION” describe the details of the return. “Light not needed”, “over payment” etc.
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