Safety Tip – Labor Day Safety Reminders

Labor Day, and the long holiday weekend that accompanies it, marks the end of summer for most families. It’s the official last summer barbeque, day out by the lake or family picnic. As fun as the weekend is, accidents can happen, which is why we’ve created a list of hazards for our families to be aware of before the holiday festivities begin!

  1. Be Careful Out on the Road

As one of the last holidays of the summer, the roads are often much busier and, according to the National Safety Council, motor vehicle accidents increase during the long weekend, causing close to 400 deaths each year. If you have plans to be on the road, make sure that your car is in good condition to drive, is packed with necessary vehicle emergency equipment (jumper cables, spare tire, flashlight, etc.) and that if driving long distances, drivers take turns in shifts.

  1. Remember Boating Safety

Make sure before heading out onto the water, that your boat is equipped with life jackets, an emergency kit, and a first aid kit. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the body of water that you’re boating on, make sure you have enough fuel in your boat (if necessary) and tell someone on land where you are going.

  1. Pools and Lakes and Kids!

Keep an eye on all little ones and inexperienced swimmers when they are in or around the water. Keep flotation devices and life jackets on hand and familiar yourself with CPR in case of emergency.

  1. Food Safety

With grilling and barbeque being one of the most popular activities over Labor Day weekend, it’s vital that children be kept away from the grill, slow cooker, etc. to avoid accidents. It’s also important to keep food-borne illness in mind. Before food is prepared, the cook should always wash their hands and make sure the food prep area is sufficiently clean. Cold food items like pasta salads, potato salads, etc. should be kept chilled in order to avoid spoilage. Uncooked meat should not remain out in the open.

  1. Protect Yourself from the Sun

Keep sunscreen on hand and remember to drink lots of water! It’s still warm Labor Day weekend and you certainly don’t want to end the weekend with a bad sunburn, so be sure to lather up the sunscreen and keep hydrated throughout the weekend festivities. Remember your four-legged friends as well by making sure that they have adequate water supply all weekend.

Enjoy the holiday!  We look forward to seeing you safely back at work on Tuesday!

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