Tag Archives: Safety

Safety Tip – Eye Protection

Prevent Eye Injuries with Proper Protection Every day in the United States, roughly 2,000 workers experience an eye injury serious enough to require medical attention. Although the majority of these injuries involve small particles striking or abrading the eye, some … Continue reading

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Safety Tip – Ergonomics

Keep Ergonomics In Mind At Work Are you lifting objects correctly? If not, you could be at risk for an ergonomics-related injury, such as a sprain or strain, back injury, or repetitive-motion injury. For proper lifting, follow these tips: Warm … Continue reading

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Safety Tip – Driving Safety

Don’t Drive Aggressively Driving on busy, crowded roadways can be stressful. But aggressive driving is never the answer. Aggressive driving is defined as “the act of operating a motor vehicle in a selfish, bold or pushy manner, without regard for … Continue reading

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