Weekly Safety – Grilling out

With everyone getting ready to fire up the barbecue grills this summer, it is important to always remember that a successful barbecue is a safe barbecue. Following is a list of safety tips to guide you through the grilling process. But remember, anytime you work with fire there’s a chance of getting burned.
Common sense and planning will help prevent injuries or illnesses!

  • Barbecue grills are designed for outdoor use only. Never barbecue in your trailer, tent, house, garage, or any enclosed area.
  • Set up grill in an open area away from buildings, dry leaves, or brush. Be sure to avoid high traffic areas and always barbecue in a well-ventilated area. Be aware of the windblown sparks.
  • Use long-handled barbecue utensils to avoid burns and splatters and wear clothing that does not have hanging shirttails, or apron strings.
  • To put out flare-ups, either raise the grid, spread the coals out, or adjust the controls to lower the temperature. If needed, douse the flames with a light spritz of water after removing food from the grill.
  • Never leave a grill unattended and don’t allow anyone to conduct any activities around the grill when it is hot. The grill body will remain hot for a period of time following its use and never attempt to move a hot grill.


  • When using charcoal briquettes or wood chunks, form a pyramid and douse the briquettes/chunks with lighter fluid. Wait until the fluid has soaked in before lighting.
  • Lighter fluid should be capped immediately and placed a safe distance from the grill.
  • Never add lighter fluid to existing hot or warm coals.
  • Never use gasoline, or kerosene or other highly volatile fluids as a starter.
  • When using instant light briquettes, do not use lighter fluid. Do not add more instant light briquettes once the fire has been lit, add regular briquettes if more are needed.
  • Once the barbecue grill has been lit, do not touch the charcoal briquettes/wood chunks to see if they are hot. Keep grill uncovered until ready to cook.
  • All vents should be wide open while cooking. Charcoal briquettes/wood chunks require oxygen to burn.
  • Allow coals to burn out completely and let the ashes cool for 48 hours before disposing of them.
  • If you must dispose of the ashes in less time than it takes for them to completely cool, remove the ashes from the grill keeping them in heavy duty foil and soak them completely with water before disposing.


  • The typical cylinder holds approximately 20 pounds of propane, leaving some room for the liquid to expand.
  • When the LP cylinder is connected, the grill must be kept outside in a well-ventilated space.
  • When not in use, the LP cylinder valve must be turned to the OFF position.
  • Never store an LP cylinder indoors and always store cylinders upright and in areas where temperatures won’t exceed 125 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Never attach or disconnect a LP cylinder, or move or alter gas fittings when the grill is in operation or is hot.
  • Never use an LP cylinder if it shows signs of: dents, gouges, bulges, fire damage, corrosion, leakage, excessive rust or other forms of visual external damage.
  • After a period of storage, and/or disuse (over winter), the gas grill should be checked for gas leaks, deterioration, proper assembly, and burner obstructions before using.
  • Inspect the grill thoroughly twice a year. Watch for rust, paint the LP cylinder to make it more rustproof, and check the regulator, hoses, burner parts carefully.
  • Always turn off gas at the source prior to inspecting parts.
  • Visually inspect hoses for abrasion, wear and leaks.
  • Never use a flame to check for gas leaks. A soap and water solution may be used to test hoses and connections for leaks. Replace all faulty items before operating.
  • Check the owner’s manual for any additional maintenance requirements
  • When lighting a gas grill, always keep the lid open to prevent an explosion from gas build-up. Never lean over the grill when igniting the burners or cooking.
  • If a burner doesn’t ignite or a burner goes out during operation, turn off the gas. Keep the grill’s lid open and wait 3-5 minutes before trying to light it again.


Barbecuing is popular year around, but people head to their backyards to fire up the grill in record numbers when the temperatures soar. Follow food safety at all times, but it becomes especially crucial during warm weather because escalating temperatures encourage bacteria and other pathogens to multiply and cause foodborne illness. Here are some simple guidelines to help ensure safe grilling.

  • When shopping for meat, fish and poultry, put them in your grocery cart last. Never buy a package that’s damaged or torn and check “sell-by” and “use-by” dates.
  • Put packaged raw meat in plastic bags so leaking juices cannot cross contaminate other foods.
  • Load grocery bags with meat and other refrigerated foods in the air-conditioned section of the car, not in the trunk and take groceries home immediately.
  • Try to bring along a cooler with ice packs and place the meat in it and refrigerate or freeze it as soon as possible.
  • When carrying food to a picnic, beach, or party, keep it cold. Use an insulated cooler with sufficient ice or ice packs to keep the food at 40° F.
  • Remove food from the refrigerator and pack the cooler just before leaving the house.
  • If including take-out foods — such as deli potato salad, coleslaw or baked beans. Be sure to chill thoroughly and plan to eat them within 1 hour of taking them out of the cooler.
  • If you won’t use meat, fish and poultry within a few days, freeze it immediately.
  • Thaw frozen food in the refrigerator, never on the counter; allow sufficient defrosting time. Or immerse packaged food in cold water to thaw.
  • Always wash your hands in hot soapy water before preparing food, after each time you touch raw meat, and after any interruptions (bathroom, handling pets, or children).
  • Keep raw meat, poultry and fish and their juices away from other food. Thoroughly washing cutting boards, knives, platters, etc. before letting them come in contact with other foods.
  • Sanitize cutting boards and countertops with chlorine bleach. Pour on small amount and let stand several minutes, rinse thoroughly and air dry.
  • Marinate foods in the refrigerator, never on the counter. Boil any marinade to destroy bacteria if you plan to baste with it or serve it with the cooked meat.
  • Never save marinades for a second use.
  • Cook meat thoroughly. If unsure use a thermometer to be safe… poultry 180°F (breasts 170°F), beef, lamb, veal roasts/steaks 145°F to 160°F, any burgers 160°F, all pork 160°F.
  • Reheat foods or fully cooked meats like hot dogs by grilling to 165°F, or until steaming hot.
  • Refrigerate leftover food quickly (no more than two hours) and use within a couple of days.

My favorite Father’s Day quote…..

I gave my father $100 and said, “Buy yourself something that will make your life easier.”
So he went out and bought a present for my mother!
– the Son of a Wise Man


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